Please note that some tool codes may not be traded over the weekend. Details of trading hours can be found on the platform.
Unlike other asset classes (forex, equities, commodities, etc.), the cryptocurrency market is dominated by retail speculators. Trading cryptocurrencies, you will be trading in markets where there is no central bank intervention, interbank dealers controlling order flow, or huge pension funds influencing prices.
The price movements of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and ether are largely driven by news and popular sentiment, namely fear and greed of retail speculators. Sometimes, changes in these factors can lead to large intraday price swings, making cryptocurrencies ideal for aggressive and experienced day traders.
CFDS in cryptocurrencies allow traders to trade long or short without holding a password. This means that traders can be informed of the price of cryptocurrencies without worrying about the security risks associated with storing them and the risk of transactions from their counterparties. This is similar to trading energy futures, such as oil, rather than owning physical oil to guess its price.
How to deal
encryption CFD?
Bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency that derives its value from supply and demand factors unique to the asset class.
Bitcoin supply is finite, so as demand increases, prices rise.
Demand stems from both speculative and more practical sources, such as the use of bitcoin to pay for online purchases.
Bitcoin also has a tendency in more traditional markets such as equities and foreign exchange to react to market sentiment, which intensifies during periods of negative sentiment.